Category: Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors
NAICS CANADA CODE: 238160 Roofing Contractors
Description of Operations:
Roofing contractors install, repair, and re-roof residential and commercial structures. Installation of siding, gutter or insulating material, or minor incidental repair of chimneys may be a part of the operation.
Operations vary depending on building height and whether the roof is flat or pitched. Typically a roof consists of a decking, often made of wood or metal, on top of which a covering is installed. “Flashing” made of sheet metal is installed at corners and joints or around chimneys. Flat roofs may be “built up” from several layers of asphalt-laminated felt covered by asphalt and gravel. Other roofs are covered with shingles made of various materials, especially asphalt, wood, slate, or concrete or manmade materials. Either type may be covered with rolled roofing of tar paper or heavy rubberized material.
Property exposure at the roofing contractor’s own location is generally limited to those of an office, shop, and storage of materials, equipment, and vehicles. Solvents, chemicals, or sealants used in roofing operations may be flammable, requiring proper storage and separation from combustibles. If repair work on owned vehicles and equipment is done in the building, fire hazards may be high due to the presence of oils, fuels, and other combustibles. When hot built-up roofing is done, any preparation work with hot tar and asphalt heated at the yard site increases the fire potential for both the insured and to neighbouring properties. Equipment, materials, and supplies stored in the yard have higher exposures to wind, vandalism, and theft.
Inland marine exposures include contractors’ tools and equipment, goods in transit, and installation floater. Hoists, ladders, scaffolding and similar equipment may be damaged during transport to or from the jobsite by collision or upset, or during setup or use. Tools and building materials may be subject to damage by dropping or loss due to theft by third parties or employees. Material being installed is highly susceptible to damage during handling or from wind or rain before installation is complete.
Occupier’s Liability exposures at the contractor’s office or shop are generally limited due to lack of public access to the premises.
At the job site, tools, power cords, and scrap all pose trip hazards even when not in use. Roofing materials or tools and equipment dropped during operations may cause serious injury to occupants or passers-by, or may cause serious property damage. Wind or weather may damage the unfinished portion of the roof or the interior of the building during the installation process. Repair or installation using hot tar may be a fire hazard to the building being worked on or to neighbouring structures.
Occupier’s Liability Occupier’s Liability is a concern. Facilities must have even, smooth, unobstructed surfaces to avoid trip and fall. The spaces and the flow of the traffic within the facility must be well-marked. Well-lit exits are also very important. Safety concerns of patrons are critical, so lighting, security guards, and attendants are all items to consider.
Completed operations liability exposures arise from collapse, leak, or wind damage to a roof that has not been installed or repaired properly. Gradual seepage of water can cause mould or rot within the structure itself. Quality control and experience are important issues to evaluate.
Environmental impairment liability exposures are from the disposal of old roofing materials to the disposal of waste tar, asphalt, sealants and adhesives. Removal of asbestos tiles may be a concern, although the asbestos in tiles is typically non-friable (it does not readily crumble and become airborne). Proper written procedures and documentation of both the transportation and disposal process is important.
Automobile exposures are generally limited to transporting workers, equipment and supplies to and from job sites. Hazards depend on the type and use of vehicles and radius of operation with the main hazards being upsets. Loading and unloading hazards may be significant. If hot tar or asphalt is used, transport may be hazardous as overturn could result in damage to other vehicles. Age, training, experience, and drivers’ records, as well as the age, condition, and maintenance of the vehicles, are all important items to consider.
Workplace safety exposure can be severe as work is done above ground. Workers can fall from roofs due to tripping or from sudden changes in the wind or weather. They may also be injured by falling objects. Common hazards include injuries from lifting, cutting the flashing and other materials, and work with hand and power tools. The application of hot tar and asphalt can result in burns and eye, skin, and lung irritations.
Minimum recommended Insurance coverage for roofing contractors:
Business Personal Property, Dishonesty, Disappearance and Destruction, Accounts Receivable, Contractors’ Equipment and Tool Floaters, Goods in Transit, Installation Floater, Valuable Papers and Records, General Liability, Umbrella Liability, Automobile Liability and Physical Damage, Non-Ownership Automobile Liability
Other Insurance coverage to consider for roofing contractors:
Building, Business Income with Extra Expense, Computers, Employment Practices Liability, Environmental Impairment Liability