Please add the name of Principal Insured in First Line and all the Companies which you want as Additional Insured from second line*
Complete Address of Restaurant*
Year Business Started
Years of Experience in Managing/Owning Restaurant
Name, Email and Phone Number of person handling insurance
Operations Pub / Sports BarNight ClubCasinoRestaurantAdult Entertainment/ Exotic DancingCasual DiningTake outFine DiningAlcohol ServedCateringCatering Delivery
Building Value (CAD)
Content Value* (CAD)
Kitchen Equipped with Deep Fat FrierGrill (Hot Plate)
Fire Sprinklers YesNo
Food Revenue (CAD)
Liquor Revenue (CAD)
Other Revenue (CAD)
Type of Food Served*
Type of Activities (Multiselect) KaraokeDJHappy HoursMechanical bullLive MusicStrippersMovies/ VideoEntertainersSingles NightGamesPool TableLadies NightDance Floor
Your small story which is NOT on your website. (Why? Insurance Companies charge for what they do not know. This is where you tell all the insurance companies about the great things you do which would decrease the possibility of different losses in your business. You also tell them how you are different from your competitors.The more you tell the less is the premium.)
Revenue for last three Years
Total Employees*
Claims in lat 10 Years