NAICS CANADA CODE: All codes that start with 3231
Description of Operations:
Printers may be specialists or generalists. The processes may be mainly reproduction or may involve printing presses. They provide a service to the general public of replicating original material for distribution. The printing jobs will vary in number of copies, size of paper and type of binding. Paper quality, ink quality and services provided vary by operation.
Property exposures due to fire come from flammable liquids, primarily the inks, lacquers solvents, and paper. Added to the fuel sources are the heat sources of the machinery and equipment, along with wiring overload problems. Fire hazards are a concern due to the use of hot metals and molds. It is important to keep the flammable liquids stored in a cool place away from the heat sources. No more than a day’s supply should be kept on the processing floor. Finished items should be stored separately from all raw materials since the finished product is more combustible and susceptible to damage than the rolled stock paper.
Crime exposure is from Employee Dishonesty. Separation of duties is an important part of controlling the exposure. All ordering, billing and disbursement should be unique duties with reconciliations occurring regularly. Physical inventories should be conducted. Audits should take place at least annually.
Inland marine exposure is from Accounts Receivable, Computers and Valuable Papers. Duplicates of all records and original artwork should be kept off site for easy replication. Goods in Transit is also an exposure due to delivery of finished product.
Occupier’s Liability exposures should be minimal provided visitors are limited to designated customer waiting areas and offices.
Professional exposure comes from Printers Errors and Omissions. All jobs, as well as any and all changes, must be in writing and signed by the customers. Last, all final art must be signed before the run begin. Documentation is vital in preventing errors.
Environmental impairment exposure is due to waste disposal of the inks and solvents. Contracts should be in place to dispose of all environmentally dangerous chemicals. Spill procedures must be in place to prevent the accidental discharge of inks through the drains.
Automobile exposures are from delivery of customers’ goods. All drivers should have valid commercial licenses with acceptable MVRs which should be reevaluated regularly. Vehicles should be maintained with records kept at a central location.
Workplace safety exposure is high due to chemical exposure and work on heavy presses. Safety equipment is a must. Information regarding chemicals should be available to employees along with early warning signs of problems. Certain areas will have exposure to repetitive motion injuries and those should be ergonomically designed.
Minimum recommended Insurance coverage for printers:
Business Personal Property, Business Income, Accounts Receivable, Computers, Goods in Transit, Valuable Papers, Dishonesty, Disappearance and Destruction, General Liability, Professional, Environmental Impairment, Umbrella, Business Auto Liability and Physical Damage, Non-Ownership Automobile
Other Insurance coverage to consider for printers:
Building, Employment Practices Liability